Let's compare various types of dental plans

Over the past several years a variety of dental plan options continue to be offered. Below is a brief summary of each category.

Fully insured (Indemnity Plans)


These dental plans are designed and offered by licensed insurance companies and...

These dental plans are designed and offered by licensed insurance companies and are usually offered only to employer groups. The theory behind insurance is to "collect more money in premiums than what it costs for administration and claims while allowing the insurance company to make a profit". The reasons premiums increase is because the claims submitted by the group and the costs of providing dentistry have increased.

Insurance plans most always have waiting periods, yearly maximums, claim forms, deductibles and network providers. And since insurance plans are tied with employment, should you change jobs or retire, benefits will terminate as well.

HMO & Pre-paid dental Plans


You pre-pay a specified dollar amount each month with the promise of receiving...

Many local dentists have created their own dental plans and are in violation of...

These plans are also considered an insurance product since its design falls within the control of the Department of Insurance. You would pre-pay a specified dollar amount each month with the promise of receiving free services such as exams, x-rays and cleanings from the dentist sometime in the future. The balance of dental services may be offered at a discounted rate.

Many local dentists have created their own dental plans that are not properly licensed by the Dept of Insurance and are in violation of the Statutes that define prepaid dental plans. Be aware that proprietary dental plans are dramatically limited in design since:

  • you can only obtain services from that specific dentist,
  • you are unable to obtain a second opinion,
  • they cannot refer you to a Specialist that participates with their plan,
  • and should the dentist sell the practice or retire, you will not be able to obtain the dental services that you have already "pre-paid" to receive.

Dental Savings Plans (Discount Plans)


This type of dental plan is now widely being used as either a stand-alone dental plan or as a supplement...

This type of dental plan is now widely being used as either a stand-alone dental plan or as a supplement to your existing dental insurance. (See our FAQ section on how to coordinate benefits with an insurance plan.) For a yearly membership fee, you obtain access to a network of participating dentists who provide dental services at a reduced fee. There are no waiting periods, no claim forms, no deductibles and you have the freedom to choose any participating dentist in the network without any restrictions or referrals.

Why choose American Dental Plan?

We have offered our dental savings plan to residents of Arizona since 1978. Our proprietary network of over 600 dentists includes general and Specialists, even orthodontics. And you are free to choose any dentist who participates with the Plan.

Additional reasons are proudly listed in our FAQ section.